Functional Anatomy for Yoga Teachers (Online)
Are you interested in teaching or practicing Asana more safely, more creatively and with more confidence? Do you want to know ‘why, when, and how’ to modify, build better sequences, and empower your students to ‘feel it’ in their own bodies, access particular muscle groups and joints, producing both strength and length, stability and freedom in their own bodies? This course is perfect for you!
Functional Anatomy studies the shape of bones and how they fit together (joints), the placement and shape of muscles, to understand their ‘function’ (job) in the body and to understand how to maintain and restore healthy movement and stability throughout our body. In this engaging training, Suzanne shares her extensive knowledge in a way that makes it accessible for you. Revolutionize the way you understand and teach Asanas.
This course is offered in german. English coming soon.
A 4-Part On Demand Series
Not your regular, ‘bone-dry’ anatomy course! In this engaging human body training, Suzanne takes you by the hand and shows you the magic of muscles, bones, and human movement in a way that will ignite your understanding of what asana (yoga poses) can do for you and your students from head to toe.
In this four-part series with dozens of ‘byte-sized’ on-demand videos accompanied by an extensive handbook, Suzanne breaks down the science of muscles and bones and how they work together to produce (and reduce) movement, and gives you accessible, step-by step guidance as you travel through the body regions. Besides Yoga applications, Suzanne also provides a wealth of tips and tricks, skills and drills from related movement modalities such as physiotherapy, kinesiology, dance, sports medicine, and somatic movement.
Created with teachers of the Anusara® method in mind, the videos and handbook tie this information into the intuitive principles and biomechanics of this Iyengar-based method, and enlighten our understanding of the physical aspects of Anusara’s “Universal Principles of Alignment,” based on creating a dynamic relationship of expansion and contraction in our bodies.
Enroll through Yoga Easy Academy
This module is part of Kai Hill’s 300 h Anusara® Teacher Training and can be booked separately through Yoga Easy Academy. This Module includes Suzanne’s 200 page, fully illustrated Handbook, Functional Anatomy for Yoga.